Saturday, February 09, 2008

Antiinflammatories, APOE status and dementia risk

Szekely CA, Breitner JCS, Fitzpatrick AL et al. NSAID use and dementia risk in the cardiovascular health study. Role of APOE and NSAID type. Neurology 2008; 70:17-24.

3229 subjects aged 65+, free of dementia were analyzed. Use of NSAID's led to lower dementia risk (did not matter which AED). Acetominophen did not prevent dementia. Risk reduction was present only among subjects having an APOE4 allele . A contoversy exists regarding the use of particular NSAID's (ie ibuprofen but not naproxen due to AB 42 lowering effect) but there was not advantage seen in this study.

Blogger comment:
Back to screening first degree relatives of Alz patients to prevent their risk of developing disease and advising them. We have a rationale for measuring APOE status in these patients (which has been missing for 15 years). Mechanisms, counselling, etc. needs to be put into place first.